Stephen Ministry

Category: Community Outreach
Description: Stephen Ministry provides Christian, confidential care for the hospitalized, the homebound, the elderly, the lonely or discouraged, those experiencing illness or disability, those grieving the loss of a loved one, those in job crisis or unemployment, the separated or divorced, single parents, families facing transitions (birth, adoption, children leaving home, caring for parents) and many more. Stephen Ministry is a complete system of training, organizing, and supervising lay persons for this caring ministry in and around the parish. Stephen Ministers are asked to make a two-year commitment to the program that includes 50 hours of training and approximately one hour a week with their “care receivers.”

This caring ministry provides a witness to the world of Christian discipleship. Those who wish to speak to a Stephen Minister or those who wish to become Stephen Ministers should call the parish office.

Please note that for the safety and protection of the vulnerable populations that may be served by this ministry, all volunteers participating in this ministry must be in compliance with the requirements of the Archdiocese of Atlanta's Safe Environment Program. Please visit our Safe Environment Program webpage to learn more.

Learn more about how Stephen Ministry helps our parish by watching this short video from your Holy Spirit Stephen Ministry.

Contacts:   Chuck Bolash  •