9th-10th GRADE

Our parish has our teens prepare for the Sacrament of Confirmation in the 9th and 10th grade, and receive the Sacrament in the Spring of their 10th Grade year.


Confirmation this year is TBD


Confirmation Orientation Meeting

(required for teen and 1 parent):

Wednesday, September 25, 2024 at 6:30 PM in Malta Hall


Our two Confirmation Retreats are

(attendance at one is required):

October 26-27, 2024 at HSCC
January 18-19, 2025 at HSCC


For additional information, please contact the religious education office.







What do you need to do to get Confirmed at HSCC?

1. Be a registered Holy Spirit parishioner (Register online); if you are registered at another parish, submit a Pastoral Consent Letter     from your parish
2. Submit Baptismal Certificate if not baptized at Holy Spirit

3. Register for LifeTeen and Confirmation
4. A minimum of 80% attendance required for LifeTeen meetings in 9th and 10th grades.*

5. Attend the Orientation Meeting 9/25/24
6. Participate in an approved Service Project at HSCC
7. Attend an approved Confirmation Retreat

8. Attend an individual meeting with the Pastor, Fr. Luke Ballman.



*Catholic School Students
Do not need to attend LifeTeen regularly, but it is highly encouraged.