Registration Teens Home

All RCIC parents are required to register their child with Holy Spirit and attend additional sacramental preparation parents classes and events.

What is RCIC?

The Greek word Catechesis means 'to echo the teaching'. "Catechesis is nothing other than the process of transmitting the Gospel, as the Christian community has received it, understands it, celebrates it, lives it and communicates it in many ways." ( General Directory for Catechesis #105)


We are so excited to journey with you and your child through the Rite of Christian Initiation for Children- Echo.


If your child missed any of the following sacraments:  Baptism, First Communion or Confirmation, or missed some years of faith formation, we are happy to journey with them towards falling in love with Christ and His Church.

RCIC Process:

  1. An introductory meeting with Kaitlyn Callahan, our Middle School Youth Minister
  2. You will attend RCIC classes on the last Sunday of the month (barring holidays)
  3. Meet with Kaitlyn and/or other clergy members to assess readiness to receive the Sacrament
  4. Candidates in the program are also encouraged to attend faith formation with their class (example:  EDGE, Life Teen, 2nd grade First Communion prep) and have Echo as a supplement to receiving the sacraments quicker
  5. Children will receive supplemental material during the month to help them grow in their faith, such as videos from our Word on Fire program or challenges to help them deepen their prayer life.