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HSCC Protocols for Resuming In-Person Mass

Dear Parishioners:

As promised, I am sending you this e-mail which outlines the procedures we will be following over the course of the next several weeks. The Archbishop’s permission says we “may” begin admitting people in limited numbers to Masses on weekends and weekdays. The church will continue to remain closed for other gatherings – including weddings and funerals - which involve more than 10 people.

I am re-sending you the link to a brief video (less than 5 minutes) from Archbishop Hartmayer which gives a good overview, and is very helpful.

We have developed our own video to give you a picture of the protocols we will use. Here is the link for the video, and here is a link for a detailed document covering all the protocols which will be in place for attending Mass in person. This information is also on our parish website:

Please note that the numbers will be limited. Our goal is to add, eventually, some additional attendance in overflow locations, such as McDonough Hall, and in the parking lot.

Above all, if you feel ill, please do not attempt to come to the church. If you have someone at home who is vulnerable, do not come to Church. The Archbishop has dispensed from the Sunday obligation through June and even suggests thinking about attending a weekday Mass instead of Saturday or Sunday.

Those who come to the church are an integral part of making it possible for some people to attend Mass in person. It is all contingent on each one of us doing our part, and respectfully caring for others. Many thanks for your cooperation in our efforts.  




Msgr. Edward J. Dillon, J.C.D., Pastor