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Mission Statement

We are a Catholic community united in our commitment to live out the Gospel in our lives.   We are the hands, feet, and heart of Christ in the world.  As the Body of Christ, we each play a role in bringing the Gospel alive, embodying Jesus's teachings, and building God's Kingdom.


Our Mission: "Living the Gospel as the Body of Christ." 

  • We are the Body of Christ:  Diverse. Interconnected and Unified. Just as the various parts of the body work together for the good of the whole, so too do we.
  • We each play a role in bringing the Gospel to life, witnessing through our words and actions Jesus's teachings, and building up the Kingdom of God.
  • We live as vibrant participants in God’s work of redemption. Empowered by the Paschal Mystery of Jesus Christ, animated by the Holy Spirit, and supported by the grace we receive in the sacraments, Jesus calls us to be an extension of God’s love in the world.

This statement encapsulates our collective calling to embody the teachings of Jesus Christ, to be His hands and feet in a world hungering for love, compassion, and justice. It signifies our commitment to actively engage with our faith, to be living witnesses of Christ's transformative power in our lives and in the lives of those around us.

As a faith family, we journey together.  Let us remain steadfast in our faith, united in our mission, and ever open to the guidance of the Holy Spirit. May the love of Christ continue to inspire and guide us as we strive to live out our calling as His disciples.