All women of the parish are invited to join in the
Passionate Discipleship Bible study on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in Malta Hall beginning
April 3. Passionate Discipleship focuses on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Throughout this Bible study, participants will study 2 Timothy verse by verse as we immerse ourselves in Paul’s last and deeply personal letter to his beloved friend and mentee, Timothy.
Throughout Church history, men and women have spent their lives on mission, committed to spreading the gospel message. They were disciples who made disciples. What does that look like for the Catholic woman? Join us in the study of another sacred book as we explore more of our connections to God and what he expects of us. For questions, contact for more information. To purchase the digital or physical book please visit:
My name is Jewel, and I have participated in and led studies for several years. While Sunday Mass provides an opportunity to hear the scriptures, Bible study goes deeper. It offers reflection, dialogue, and personal application of God’s Word in a group setting, where we share insights, ask questions, and connect with like-minded women. It is also a space for individual growth and with regular personal readings, you give yourself a gift to listen more closely to God’s voice. Bible study has beautifully transformed my life and brought me closer to Jesus. I pray you find the time to join us!