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This Week: March 22, 2025

Rosary Sales to Benefit Christians Living in the Holy Land

The war in the Holy Land has made the plight for Christians living there even more difficult than usual. Today, members of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre will sell olive wood rosary beads after all Masses.

The proceeds from the sales will go to the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem to provide essential support and financial assistance, primarily to the Christian community in the Holy Land. The rosary beads are $10 each. Payment is via cash, Venmo, or checks made payable to “Archdiocese of Atlanta”. Donations above and beyond the rosary sales are also appreciated. The Archdiocese of Atlanta is working in partnership with the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem in this fundraising effort. Thank you, in advance, for your generosity.

Easter Flower Fund

Remember or honor a loved one this Easter by contributing to the flowers that will adorn the altar this Easter. Remembrances are $10 each. Please either use this online link or the form on the back of the bulletin by Friday, April 2 to have the remembrance included in the Easter bulletin.

Called for More: Share Your Voice in Our Parish Future

The first step in helping Holy Spirit Catholic Church assess our greatest strengths and opportunities is to complete the Disciple Maker Index (DMI) survey today! Share your perspective now to help strengthen Holy Spirit and better prepare us for the future – as we seek to grow in missionary discipleship! You may access the survey here. For questions, please conctact Debbie at

Lent at Holy Spirit

The penitential season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesaday. For a complete list of Lenten activites at Holy Spirit, including rules of Fasting and Abstinence, Stations of the Cross, Fish Frys, and more, please visit:

Weekly Parish Bulletin

Please click here for an online version of the weekly parish bulletin.

RSVP for Upcoming Events

Dr. David King presentation on Flannery O'Connor's 100th Birthday

Despite her premature death at age 39, Flannery O’Connor left behind one of the most haunting and strikingly original bodies of work in 20th Century literature. With the rural South as her backdrop, she brought to life a string of eccentric characters torn between their worldly ambitions and the need for a more enduring truth. Join us on Wednesday, March 26, at 7:00 PM in McDonough Hall, as Dr. David King, Professor of English at Kennesaw State University, will lead a discussion in honor of what would be Flannery O’Connor’s 100th birthday. RSVP if you will attend.

Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - March 28th

Join the Knights of Columbus for a Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 28, from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in McDonough Hall. Choose from our fried cod fillets, grilled salmon, fried whole tilapia (when available), and baked shrimp. Each accompanied by an array of sides - French fries, cole slaw, rice (arroz), lentils, strawberry salsa (for the salmon), and hush puppies. We'll also be offering wine and beer.

All brought to you by the Knights of Columbus and volunteers from Centro Católico.

Each adult meal is $15 (donations for beer and wine are also appreciated to offset costs). Children's meals are available for $8. You may dine in or take away. Online pre-orders or "walk-ups" are equally welcome after 6:30 PM. RSVP here.

Men’s Club Presents: The Making of a Priest: A Seminarian’s Journey

Have you ever wondered what goes into preparing men for the priesthood? At the April Men’s Club meeting, seminarian Chrystian Bis will review the life of a seminarian from the first day until the end of the multi-year process of priestly formation from studies, ministry, prayer, and even leisure. Chrystian will also any questions you may have about seminarian life and formation.

All men of the parish are invited to join Chrystian on Monday, April 7, at 6:30 PM in McDonough Hall for an evening you won’t want to miss. The cost for dinner is $20. RSVP online if you will attend.

Faith in Action

A Message from Parishioner Max Bendig

My name is Max Bendig, and I am a junior at The University of Georgia. Being a member of the Catholic Center at UGA has been pivotal in my faith formation and community. It is truly a place for students to grow in their faith, build community, and serve the Lord. I love this community because it feels like one big family. One of the strongest things that binds us together is our pursuit for the Lord and our desire to make His love known to everyone. Through this love, the Lord calls us to be relentlessly bold in our pursuit of spreading the Gospel. I believe in this mission because I have witnessed it first-hand. Jesus’s presence, in His Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity are being brought to this campus every single day. Some of the ministries that we have are Ignite, Ablaze, Special Events, Retreats, and others. They all aim to provide formation and community to all students. Donations to the Archbishop's Annual Appeal help fund programs like these and help keep Catholic Student Associations running throughout Georgia. - Max Bendig, Parishioner, UGA Student

Your gift and participation in the 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal help make it possible by supporting the ministerial, outreach, education, formation, and discipleship work of the Archdiocese of Atlanta. Our parish goal is $299,200. Please give prayerful consideration to your level of support to help fund the essential ministries and services supported by the Appeal. You may click here to pledge online or use the QR code in the bulletin or in the pews. Pledge cards are available in the Narthex. Thank you, in advance, for your support.

Gold Award Project to Help Provide Easter Dinner to Those in Need

Gianna Mulcare, one of our Elite Altar Servers, is working on her Girl Scout Gold Award by organizing an Easter food drive for the Solidarity of Sandy Springs food pantry. Gianna hopes to collect 5,000 items of the most popular foods:
  • 1,000 boxes EACH of cereal and pasta
  • 1,000 cans EACH of pasta sauce, tuna fish, and chicken salad.
Items will be delivered to the pantry on April 12, to allow shoppers time to shop for their Easter dinner. If you would like to help, items may be shipped via an Amazon wish list or donations given via Venmo to her mom @Tricia-Mulcare.

Your monetary donations can help:
  • $200: at least 5 of each item above
  • $150: at least 4 of each item above
  • $110: at least 3 of each item above
  • $75: at least 2 of each item above
  • $35: at least 1 of each item
Thank you for your support.

A Higher Calling: Serving Through Faith and Love

When you become a Vincentian, you answer a call to serve with love and compassion, fulfilling God’s command to love your neighbor as yourself. Each time you visit, help, or simply listen, you bring the presence of Christ into the lives of those in need. You are part of something larger—transforming hearts, restoring hope, and creating a just and compassionate Georgia, one neighbor at a time.

To learn how you can help, email us at or join us at our monthly meeting on Tuesday, April 1, in the lower level of the Parish Admin building. Fellowship begins at 6:30 PM, and the meeting starts at 7:00 PM.

Faith Formation & Evangelization

Easter Egg Hunt

All children 10 and under are invited to Holy Spirit's Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, April 19, from 10:00 AM - 12:00 PM. on the HSP field. Bring your baskets, search for eggs, and enjoy crafts and activities. RSVP online so the bunny knows how many eggs to hide.


Please note:  the hunt will begin at 10:10 AM SHARP, so don't be late!

Walking With Purpose: Passionate Discipleship

All women of the parish are invited to join in the Passionate Discipleship Bible study on Thursday evenings at 6:30 PM in Malta Hall beginning April 3. Passionate Discipleship focuses on equipping women to know Christ and to make Him known. Throughout this Bible study, participants will study 2 Timothy verse by verse as we immerse ourselves in Paul’s last and deeply personal letter to his beloved friend and mentee, Timothy.

Throughout Church history, men and women have spent their lives on mission, committed to spreading the gospel message. They were disciples who made disciples. What does that look like for the Catholic woman? Join us in the study of another sacred book as we explore more of our connections to God and what he expects of us. For questions, contact for more information. To purchase the digital or physical book please visit:


My name is Jewel, and I have participated in and led studies for several years. While Sunday Mass provides an opportunity to hear the scriptures, Bible study goes deeper. It offers reflection, dialogue, and personal application of God’s Word in a group setting, where we share insights, ask questions, and connect with like-minded women. It is also a space for individual growth and with regular personal readings, you give yourself a gift to listen more closely to God’s voice. Bible study has beautifully transformed my life and brought me closer to Jesus. I pray you find the time to join us!

Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation

Mass is So Much More Than Meets the Eye - Part I (April 6) and Part II (April 27)

April 6 and 27 - 10:00 AM | McDonough Hall

Want to more fully appreciate the Mass? It makes present Jesus’ perfect Sacrifice, incorporating us. The whole Church is present, angels adore with us. Mass is an extension of the Incarnation and mirrors the Heavenly Liturgy (as seen in Revelation); it’s not mostly the homily or the atmosphere! Our part in the Mass means knowing the components and developing a hunger. The extraordinary grace from it depends on our readiness.

We’ll look carefully at the Mass's origins, meaning, structure, and the encounter with the Lord Jesus every Mass. This can also assist parents in guiding kids through the Mass. (Tips: ask them on the way to Mass to form prayer intentions; have them follow the readings, telling afterwards one lesson learned; suggest an aspiration prayer at the Consecration and at Communion; pass them a post-Communion prayer card; purchase Magnifikids.)

Religious Education Registration for Children and Teens Now Open!

Online registration for our 2025-2026 is now open. Click here to register for children's religious education, youth ministry and confirmation.

Vacation Bible School - Registration Open!

Registration is open for Vacation Bible School which will be held June 23 - 27. Children ages 3 - 12 years (rising 6th graders) are invited to attend. Click here to RSVP. Both adult and teen volunteers are need to help make VBS a success.

Women's Club News

Women's Club Thursday Social at McCray's

Join the Women’s Club Social on Thursday, March 27, from 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM at McCray’s Tavern in Smyrna. Donations for appetizers are appreciated. RSVP online.

Spring Fling - Service in Action

Come play with 2nd and 3rd graders during their Spring Break on Wednesday, April 9, from 1:30 PM - 3:00 PM. The children attend Indian Creek Elementary in Clarkston (known as the Ellis Island of the South), which occupies the most ethnically diverse mile in America. We will provide and facilitate arts and crafts, games, and a snack for approximately 100 children. Varied opportunities to volunteer, including donating items. Click here to sign up. Want to help provide items for the event? Here is their wish list from Amazon.

"Elegant Entertaining: Tablescaping with Kwynn Everest

The April Women’s Club meeting on Monday, April 14, will feature Kwynn Everest, owner of Odd McLean, a beautiful gifts and home goods store located in Ansley Mall. Kwynn will demonstrate how to create a beautiful tablescape – just in time for Easter! She will present at both 11:30 AM and 6:00 PM., and the cost is $20 and includes lunch or dinner. Kwynn brings her fresh and worldly approach of sophisticated entertaining and home design to her curated collection of unique gifts. Learn more about Odd McLean here. RSVP if you will attend.

RSVP for Morning Session

RSVP for Evening Session