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Giving at HSCC

Online Giving

Archbishop’s Annual Appeal

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Memorial Donations

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For the Poor Fund

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Second Collections

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Catholic Foundation of North Georgia

Estate Planning / Deferred Giving
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What is Tithing?

The Bible speaks about tithing, which is 10%, divided as follows: 5% to Holy Spirit, 1% to the Archdiocese in the Archbishop's Annual Appeal, and 4% to your other faith-based charities. Many people find it difficult to consider the possibility of giving a percentage of their income to God through charitable giving - and cringe at the idea of giving a full 10%. But, Scripture tells us, "Where your heart is, so will be your treasure." (Mt. 6:21) So, we suggest that if you can't bring yourself to take on the full program, you consider starting with some percentage, even 1%, and see what happens. No one can give you a mathematical formula for how this works because it is not a mathematical issue, it is a gospel issue. St. Peter says: "As generous distributors of God's manifold grace, put your gifts at the service of one another, each in the measure he has received." (1 Peter 4: 8-10). So, it becomes a leap of faith - and we invite you to take that leap of faith.

How do I participate? You may participate by taking stock of the many blessings God has bestowed upon you and prayerfully consider your giving level to Holy Spirit. You may either make your pledge online or fill out a pledge card.