HSCC Events
6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Adult Faith Formation
McDonough - Malta Hall A (Jerusalem)
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DetailsThe next meeting of the Great Books Discussion Group will be on Thursday, April 11th, at 7:00 p.m. in Malta Hall. Contact Patrick Carey at 770-241-2511 for more information. Tillie Olsen (1912-2007) was born in Nebraska to Russian Jewish immigrants. Her first book - Tell Me a Riddle - was published in 1961 and includes four short stories connected by a single family. All four stories were featured in Best America Short Stories as they were published. The series is thematically rich, historically and personally. Its central themes include the confrontation with aging, illness and death; the deprivation and struggles of poverty; the conflicts, full of love and rage, and marital relations.
Ministry DescriptionThe goal of this lively discussion group is to engage the intellect and imagination through shared inquiry about provocative literature. The Great Books Foundation in Chicago compiles the selections. Challenge and broaden your thinking as the group probes deeply into characters and ideas. Members are required to read the selections prior to the meetings and come prepared to answer interpretive questions. The Great Books Discussion Group meets from 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. on the second Thursday of each month between September and May.