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Men’s Club Welcomes Mark Clegg: A Story of Football, Integration, and Triumph
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Categories: Men's Club
Location: McDonough - Hall A/C/Kitchen Combo
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The Men’s Club is excited to welcome Atlanta businessman and author Mark Clegg to their meeting tomorrow, Monday, March 3, at 6:30 PM in McDonough Hall. Mark will provide a summary of The Crimson and Gold (October. 2024 by UGA Press), his account of high school football during integration in Athens. More than a documentary of the forced merger of Athens High and all-black Burney-Harris, Clegg weaves into his book a summary of the greatest high school game ever played, the 1969 GA State Championship between under-manned all-white Athens High and perennial State Champion, Valdosta High School. A must-read, Mark will both sell and sign books after Q & A.

The cost is $15 for dinner. RSVP online if you will attend.