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Sunday Morning Adult Faith Formation

Mass is So Much More Than Meets the Eye - Part I (April 6) and Part II (April 27)

April 6 and 27 - 10:00 AM | McDonough Hall

Want to more fully appreciate the Mass? It makes present Jesus’ perfect Sacrifice, incorporating us. The whole Church is present, angels adore with us. Mass is an extension of the Incarnation and mirrors the Heavenly Liturgy (as seen in Revelation); it’s not mostly the homily or the atmosphere! Our part in the Mass means knowing the components and developing a hunger. The extraordinary grace from it depends on our readiness.

We’ll look carefully at the Mass's origins, meaning, structure, and the encounter with the Lord Jesus every Mass. This can also assist parents in guiding kids through the Mass. (Tips: ask them on the way to Mass to form prayer intentions; have them follow the readings, telling afterwards one lesson learned; suggest an aspiration prayer at the Consecration and at Communion; pass them a post-Communion prayer card; purchase Magnifikids.)