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HSCC Events

Women's Club Social at Il Giallo
5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Categories: Women's Club
Location: Off-Site Location
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Join the Women’s Club at our Thursday Social on September 26, 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM. Bring a friend and meet other women of the parish at il Giallo in Sandy Springs, 5920 Roswell Rd., B-118. Donations appreciated for appetizers. RSVP online if you plan to attend.

Ministry Description
The Women's Club is open to all Holy Spirit parishioners ages 21 and older, as well as women visitors from the community. The purpose of the Women's Club is to provide women the opportunity to spend time with other women of the parish socially, in service and spiritually. The Women's Club meets every 2nd Monday of the month for food, fun, and fellowship. Happy Hours are monthly. In addition, retreats and service projects are planned. Learn more on the Women's Club webpage: