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HSCC Events

Women's Club Presents Creating Beautiful Tablescapes with Kwynn Everest from Odd McLean
Evening Session
6:30 PM - 8:30 PM
Categories: Women's Club
Location: McDonough - Hall A/B/C/Kitchen Combo
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The April Women’s Club meeting on Monday, April 14, will feature Kwynn Everest, owner of Odd McLean, a beautiful gifts and home goods store located in Ansley Mall. Kwynn will demonstrate how to create a beautiful tablescape – just in time for Easter! She will present at both 11:30 AM and 6:00 PM., and the cost is $20 and includes lunch or dinner. Kwynn brings her fresh and worldly approach of sophisticated entertaining and home design to her curated collection of unique gifts. Learn more about Odd McLean here. RSVP if you will attend the evening session.