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HSCC Calendar

March 28th

March 28
Buckaroo's Bible Study
7 AM - 8:30 AM
Location: Admin - Meeting Room B
8:30 AM Daily Mass
8:30 AM
Location: McDonough - St. Mary's Chapel
Stations of the Cross
5 PM - 5:45 PM
Location: McDonough - St. Mary's Chapel
6:00 PM Daily Mass
6 PM
Location: McDonough - St. Mary's Chapel
Confirmation Rehearsal
6 PM - 6:45 PM
Location: Church - Church/Choir Loft
Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - March 28th
RSVP Online Here
6:30 PM - 8 PM
Location: McDonough - Hall A/B/C/Kitchen Combo
Viacrucis (Centro)
7 PM - 8 PM
Location: Church - Church/Choir Loft

This calendar lists events and meetings which are open to parishioners or parish ministries and is tied into our reservation system. If you believe that your event should be listed and do not see it, please contact Kim Schulman. If there is an error with your reservation or if you will no longer be meeting on your scheduled date and time, please contact Sarah Cullen.
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