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Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - March 14th Signup

The pricing for this event is as follows:
Fish & Chips Entrée - Adult: $15.00
Baked Shrimp Entrée - Adult: $15.00
Grilled Salmon Entrée - Adult: $15.00
Whole Tilapia Entrée (when available) - Adult: $15.00
Children : $8.00

You may RSVP below after which you will have the option to pay online.
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First Name:
Last Name:
#Fish & Chips Entrée - Adult:
#Baked Shrimp Entrée - Adult:
#Grilled Salmon Entrée - Adult:
#Whole Tilapia Entrée (when available) - Adult:
#Children :
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simply enter your information and for "Will you attend?" choose "No."

Event: Knights of Columbus Lenten Fish Fry - March 14th  (only 2 days left!)
Date/Time: Friday, March 14, 2025, 6:30 PM - 8 PM
Location: McDonough - Hall A/B/C/Kitchen Combo
Join the Knights of Columbus for a Lenten Fish Fry on Friday, March 14, from 6:30 PM - 8:00 PM in McDonough Hall. Choose from our fried cod fillets, grilled salmon, fried whole tilapia (when available), and baked shrimp. Each accompanied by an array of sides - French fries, cole slaw, rice (arroz), lentils, strawberry salsa (for the salmon), and hush puppies. We'll also be offering wine and beer.

All brought to you by the Knights of Columbus and volunteers from Centro Católico.

Each adult meal is $15 (donations for beer and wine are also appreciated to offset costs). Children's meals are available for $8. You may dine in or take away. Online pre-orders or "walk-ups" are equally welcome after 6:30 PM. RSVP here.

Ministry Description
All practicing Catholic men over the age of 18 are invited to join the Knights of Columbus council. The Knights of Columbus provide a wide variety of opportunities, projects and activities supporting the Clergy, along with the Church and local community. For more information about the Knights contact John Williams or visit our website at Knights 6517.