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Pregnancy and Infant Loss Ministry: A Bereaved Mother's Day Tea Signup

The pricing for this event is as follows:
Mothers: $25.00

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The following will be used to place you in a small group with mothers who share a similar story: child/children's name(s), date of birth, date of death (if in utero, how many weeks pregnant you were), & any special circumstances we should know about
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Event: Pregnancy and Infant Loss Ministry: A Bereaved Mother's Day Tea  (38 days)
Date/Time: Saturday, May 3, 2025, 9 AM - 11:30 AM
Location: McDonough - Malta Hall Combo

Holy Spirit invites all mothers who have suffered the loss of a child at any age, from pregnancy through adulthood, to a Bereaved Mother’s Day morning of reflection and tea on Saturday, May 3, from 9:30 AM - 11:30 AM in Malta Hall. Come together with other mothers who know the pain of child loss to hear from special guest speaker and fellow mom of loss, Elizabeth Leon, as she shares about how the grace and love of God restores our motherhood. The morning will begin with a light breakfast and prayer, followed by Elizabeth’s talk, and an opportunity to discuss the talk with a small group of other moms who have lost a child at a similar age. For more information, contact Anna at A $25 fee to defray costs is suggested, and participants will have the option to make a payment online when registering.


About the speaker:
Elizabeth Leon is a resident of Ashburn, VA, in the Diocese of Arlington. Elizabeth holds a Narrative Focused Trauma Care Level II certification from the Allender Center. She has carried the cross of child loss for over 20 years, having suffered two personal losses—one baby in utero and a precious son who was diagnosed during pregnancy with a life-limiting condition. John Paul Raphael lived one beautiful day (28 hours and 10 minutes) before going to his eternal reward on January 5, 2018. Elizabeth has been serving Red Bird Ministries as the Director of Family Support for three years.