Parent First Name Required
Parent Last Name Required
Parent email address is required
Parent phone number is required
Preferred email address is required
Childs First Name Required
Childs Last Name Required
Emergency phone number required
Birthday required
Gender required
Grade required
Confirmation Prep choice required
School attended required. Choose Other if your school is not in the list.
Fathers Name is Required
Mothers Maiden Name is Required
Let us know which grade you prefer to help teach, or if you’ll help wherever we need you.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta Office for Safe Environment requires all adults interacting with children to receive safe environment training. To register for training or to confirm your training status, contact Julie Ravry. For details go to
Parents – thank you for enrolling your teen in our Youth Ministry and Confirmation Preparation programs. It is a blessing and a privilege for us to pass on the Catholic faith. For our programs to run as smoothly as possible, we have a dedicated team of adult volunteers to help in many ways. We invite you to consider joining our team. If you feel called to help, please select from the list below to indicate how you would like to participate:
*The Archdiocese of Atlanta Office for Safe Environment requires all adults interacting with children to receive safe environment training. To register for training or to confirm your training status, contact Julie Ravry. For details go to