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Religious Education & Youth Ministry: 2025-2026

Parent Information
*What email address should we use to communicate pertinent information about Religious Education activities?

Child Information
*Please be sure to use the full legal name of child.
School (Fall 2025)
Grade (Fall 2025)
Program Requested:

Health Concerns
Can we share contact information with other parents in your child's class?
Photo Release
I hereby grant permission to use images and interviews of my child for internal or external communications for one year. My child may be photographed and/or interviewed for The Georgia Bulletin, and other media outlets. I understand content may be reprinted in The Georgia Bulletin or other media for public dissemination, including but not limited to film; video; television; radio; newspapers such as The Atlanta Journal and Constitution; websites and online platforms; and social media networks including but not limited to Facebook, X, and Instagram. I release and relieve Holy Spirit Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of Atlanta, from any responsibility or liability for any claims arising from the publication or reproduction of any photographs or interview in any news or other media. I waive any and all right to inspect or approve the finished images, video, or printed matter that may be used in conjunction with any image or video, or to approve the eventual use for which it may be applied. I understand that photographs, videos, and/or interviews are being done with the knowledge and approval of the Holy Spirit Catholic Church, and that a signed release form is required for every participating individual.

Communications and Social Media
I agree that Holy Spirit’s Youth Minister/Assistant may communicate with my Teen via

Parent / Guardian Commitment
As parent / guardian, I understand that I am the primary educator of my child(ren)'s faith. I also understand the moral obligation of all Catholics to attend Mass on Sundays and Holy Days. I understand that my child(ren) share this obligation to attend Mass. To facilitate the fulfillment of this obligation, the Religious Education Program at Holy Spirit is structured to support ongoing faith formation for the entire family as well as participation in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. As the first and foremost educator in the faith of my children,

Baptism Certificate
My child has a Baptism certificate on file with HSCC? (If no or not found please upload)

For questions regarding religious education or registration, please email

Religious Education program (Sunday morning)
We need your help to make our programs fruitful and lifegiving for the children of HSCC. How would you like to participate next year?
*Full-time catechists will have no registration fees applied.
The Archdiocese of Atlanta Office for Safe Environment requires all adults interacting with children to receive safe environment training. To register for training or to confirm your training status, contact Julie Ravry. For details go to

Phoenix (Youth Ministry, 9th – 12th grade) and Confirmation Preparation – Sunday evening
Parents – thank you for enrolling your teen in our Youth Ministry and Confirmation Preparation programs. It is a blessing and a privilege for us to pass on the Catholic faith. For our programs to run as smoothly as possible, we have a dedicated team of adult volunteers to help in many ways. We invite you to consider joining our team. If you feel called to help, please select from the list below to indicate how you would like to participate:

*The Archdiocese of Atlanta Office for Safe Environment requires all adults interacting with children to receive safe environment training. To register for training or to confirm your training status, contact Julie Ravry. For details go to