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Holy Spirit Catholic Church Room Reservation

Please allow 2 business days to process room reservation requests.
Is this a Holy Spirit Prep School Event?
Is this a Centro Event?

*Room is subject to availability. HSCC will make every effort to reserve an alternate room to accommodate your function if the room you request is not available.

All events will be shown on the calendar unless requested

Room Set Up
Specific rooms (i.e. classrooms) have designated set ups. If you need additional furniture, or a special arrangement of furniture, you are responsible for that set up. You will also be responsible for returning the room to its original set up. Please allow enough time in your reservation for the movement of furniture. No tape of any kind is to be used on the walls or doors. All decorations and signs must be removed at the end of your event.

Will you be arranging furniture?
*It is imperative that you call the week before your event to confirm the number.
(i.e. projector, DVD player, microphones, easels, etc. We provide a standard VGA or HDMI cable for connecting to the projector. If you do not have a VGA or HDMI connection on your laptop, you are responsible for providing the necessary adaptor.)
Will have a caterer?
Will you use the kitchen?*
*If yes, you may need to be trained on some of the equipment.
*If there is a alternate event organizer that you would like to include please enter below.