Registration fee includes supplies, T-shirt, crafts/activities, daily snack and Student Take Home CD (with a download for those who don't own a CD player - one card per family)
3 years old – 12 years old (must be 3 years old as of June 1, 2025)
Vacation Bible School at Holy Spirit Catholic Church has been a successful program thanks to the hearts and hands of many wonderful volunteers. We ask that you prayerfully consider joining our team of helpers. Those adults who commit to helping as a Station Leader or Group Leader for the full week will receive a $50 registration discount as well as a VBS T-Shirt.
Do you have questions about being a volunteer? Contact us at
According to the Archdiocese of Atlanta Office of Safe Environment, all adults working with children must receive safe environment training. To register for training or confirm your training status, contact Julie Ravry. For details go to
We love our teen volunteers! Join us and earn up to 30 service hours. All teens ages 13-18 are welcome to volunteer to help out with VBS this year.
For more information, contact the religious education office at